The Savvy Scoop Podcast

My Morning Routine

February 07, 2024 Shauna Grey Episode 13
My Morning Routine
The Savvy Scoop Podcast
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The Savvy Scoop Podcast
My Morning Routine
Feb 07, 2024 Episode 13
Shauna Grey

Imagine starting your day with a routine that leaves you feeling energized and accomplished?

That's the power of a solid morning routine. And today I'm sharing mine from start to finish with you!

Whether you're a parent juggling morning chaos, a solo warrior seeking structure, or anything else in between, I encourage you to take what I've shared and use whatever may work for you to create your own perfect morning routine, one that makes you feel your best yet is simple enough to stick to each day.

Pull up a seat at the breakfast table and let’s discuss the potential for a morning revolution in your life.

Instagram: @simplifiedsavvy & @thesavvyscooppod
YouTube: Simplified Savvy - The Savvy Scoop Podcast

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Imagine starting your day with a routine that leaves you feeling energized and accomplished?

That's the power of a solid morning routine. And today I'm sharing mine from start to finish with you!

Whether you're a parent juggling morning chaos, a solo warrior seeking structure, or anything else in between, I encourage you to take what I've shared and use whatever may work for you to create your own perfect morning routine, one that makes you feel your best yet is simple enough to stick to each day.

Pull up a seat at the breakfast table and let’s discuss the potential for a morning revolution in your life.

Instagram: @simplifiedsavvy & @thesavvyscooppod
YouTube: Simplified Savvy - The Savvy Scoop Podcast

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Savvy Scoop podcast, where we give you the full scoop on all things living your best life. So if that's your jam, you are in the right place. New episodes drop every Wednesday for you to enjoy, as always. I'm your host, shauna Gray. I'm a healthy happens, accountability and lifestyle coach for women looking for growth and development in their life. If you're a fan of the show, I would so appreciate you rating and giving interview wherever you listen, or you can also watch the show on YouTube maybe you are right now hello and you can subscribe there too, so you never miss an episode.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this is a question that I get asked a lot about and, honestly, it's one of my routines that is very solidified, so I am very comfortable sharing about it. That is my morning routine. So some of the other routines I'm still working on. You know the evening routine, I'm getting better. I'm getting better, but the morning routine has been solid for a couple of years now. So I'm not saying that my morning routine is perfect no, absolutely not, but I am saying it is perfect for me and it helps me start my day feeling my best. So if you are like me and you just I mean, I still love to watch other people and hear about other people's morning routines because, you know, maybe there's something in there that I could add into mine or that would be, you know, that I would find time for at other parts of the day. I don't know, I'm just like really nosy about people's habits and routines. I'm obsessed with habits and routines, so if you are too, you can listen to mine and maybe my morning routine can be inspiration for you for things you may want to add or incorporate into your morning routine. So here we go.

Speaker 1:

So I get up most days around six and the first thing I do is I grab my workout clothes, go downstairs and I make my salted lemon water. So squeeze of half a lemon, a handful of not a handful, oh my God but a, like you know, half teaspoon or something of. I don't measure it. But Himalayan pink salt, probably not half a teaspoon, it's really not. I don't know, I don't. Like I said, I don't measure it, it's just like a little bit that I just like dump in and water with ice. I know you're supposed to have warm lemon water in the morning, but I just can't with it. It needs to be ice cold for me, that's just it. So I make a big thing of it, and then I go get ready, so I do tongue scraping and oil pulling Again. To be honest, I don't know if these things like do anything, but If they're not harming me and they could be doing good things. You know, getting all the like it's supposed to be, getting all the kind of like toxins and like crap out of your mouth, doesn't work. I don't know, but it makes me feel better. So I do that.

Speaker 1:

While I'm like oil pulling, I'm getting changed and into my workout clothes, ready to go brush my teeth, and then I go and do my workout for the day, I use an app called ladder. I'm obsessed. I've been using it for six months. It's amazing, because it just literally gives you the workout you're supposed to do that day. It's a style of training that I love progressive overload, and I have, like, really seen a lot of strength gains. So you do whatever you want again, but working out, that's like the thing that I must do. So, by this point, it's like what? 620, 630 somewhere in there do my workout.

Speaker 1:

It's usually about 45 minutes, and then something that I've added in, though, to my morning routine is I, after this workout, I try and go for a walk. Having light first thing in the morning is just be really good for like setting your circadian rhythm. So I try and do that and it just makes me feel really happy, honestly, and energized. And you know, a couple of years ago I did 75 hard and that requires you to get outside for 45 minutes a day. And I did it in the winter and I will say that it was my healthiest winter mentally, even in the freezing, freezing, cold. I got it every day and honestly, I didn't have the, you know, the seasonal effective. You know I don't necessarily have like a seasonal effective disorder, but I definitely. I mean, like so many of us, we get a little, like you know, unhappy when it's really cold all the time and like not nice out. But honestly, getting outside really changed that for me. So that's something that I try and do, at least for 20 minutes. 30 to 45 is better, because if I do 45, then I can like get to the water, which is just my favorite, even for five minutes. It just makes me happy, it brings me peace and joy.

Speaker 1:

So anyways, regardless, I try and get out for a walk after that, then I come home and hop in the shower, I do dry skin brushing before my shower. Again, it's supposed to be good for moving your lymph around, which is good for, you know, flushing toxins and things like that out of your body. Again, I don't know if this stuff actually works, but this is what I hear, this is what I've been told. So you know, again, it's not hurting me and if it's doing good things, even better. Right? So yeah, that's that. And then I just like get ready, and then I come up and get help. My husband get my kids ready, we take them to school, come home and that's when I make my breakfast. I have the same breakfast every day and it's my protein pancakes. I take my supplements, then I make my breakfast, tidy up and then I start my workday. So that's it. It's really short, simple, easy.

Speaker 1:

Oh, one thing I did forget sorry is that I do a little gratitude journaling and listen to some affirmations, but they're all on my phone. So as soon as I get out of the shower, I usually have put music on to listen to. So I grab my phone, put my music on and then I go on. That kind of prompts me to go onto my gratitude app. So I don't like sit down and like write out things in a big journal that just like I did it for a while, and that just doesn't work for me. It just it's a habit that I I don't know why but sitting down and writing it out every day, it just doesn't work for me. It's not something I enjoy and it's something that I.

Speaker 1:

I know if you keep doing things, you know sometimes you have to do the things you don't want to do. But that is just one of the things that I was like I just don't enjoy this form of it. I don't enjoy sitting and writing out this stuff every day, but doing it quickly on my app every day, I really enjoy it. It's just called gratitude app and I just write in what I'm feeling grateful for that day, do a little like visualization for my future, and then I have a whole bunch of affirmations saved on there, so it will do a shuffle 10 and it plays 10 of them and I like look at them while I'm getting ready and that's that. You know you got to do things that because I'd make it work for you.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to do the gratitude. I know that like some kind of journaling and things like that are important and good for your mindset and you know I'm I'm all about like a healthy, happy mindset but you have to do it However it works for you, and writing out it out in a book every day is just not, it's just not my thing. Doing it electronically on an app is perfect and it only takes me like three minutes, which I love, but I feel like I've done it. You know I've gotten it, I've done it. It makes me feel good. So, um, and that's it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, always like water and food before coffee. I don't have coffee until like before 10 am during the week. On the weekends I will, but during the week, no, no coffee until 10 am. That being said, I do drink it till like 1 pm, but anyway, it makes me feel better that I've had my water, I've had my food and then I have my coffee and I've gotten my workout in and I've done something good for my mind and all of that. So it's really like my from six to eight is kind of like my sacred time.

Speaker 1:

Um, I will say I'm very fortunate that my husband is home during that time and that is his time that he spends with the kids. He doesn't get home when he works, um at the office until later in the night. So, um, the morning is his time with the kids and he, you know, gets their breakfast and makes their lunches and does all of that. So I'm very grateful that I don't have to make the lunches. I must say, um, yeah, cause, having done it, it's just like really not my most favorite. So I love that he does that and it allows me to start my day off Well, um, so that's that. That's my morning routine. If you have questions about any of that that I've shared, I am always, uh, available, um, my DMs are always open for you at simplified savvy on Instagram, so send me all your questions. I love, love, love to chat about routines, habits, all that stuff. You guys know I'm obsessed, so get in there, ask me anything you want and I'll see you next time.

Morning Routine and Healthy Habits
Getting Outside
Dry Skin Brushing & Gratitude Journaling
Adapting Routines to Personal Preferences